Carrot Salad Recipes

The easiest carrot salad recipes involve just carrots and mayonnaise.

If you are looking for something you can whip up in a couple of minutes this is probably the quickest salad you can make.

The basic recipe is as follows:

1-2 peeled carrots per serving

* shred carrots using a grater or food processor and put in bowl.

* Add mayonnaise sparingly and mix.

That is about as basic as you can get. Here are some variations for a little extra flair:

1.-Add some raisins-this is the most popular addition to this salad.

2.-Add some chopped apple and/or pineapple Crushed pineapple blends well and really sweetens it up.

3.-Don't want to add any fruit? Try some chopped almonds,pecans, or sunflower seeds-a great way to add a little crunch and flavour.

4.-Add a little lemon juice to the mix, not too much though.

5.- Try substituting sour cream or yogurt for the mayonnaise. This will go great if you have added any fruit.

6.- You could add some other vegatables such as broccoli, peas and zucchini.

7.-Have a look in your fridge, you may be inspired to try something totally new and unorthadox. That's always my favorite option.