Sausage Omelet Recipe

“ I Never Sausage a Thing Omelet ” - Sausage Omelet
Favorite Restaurant Recipe

Preparation Time: 5 minutes. Servings: 1-2.

1 1/2 teaspoons each of butter and peanut or vegetable oil
3 beaten eggs
2 tablespoons sliced red onion
3 ounces cooked, scrambled sausage
1 ounce Cheddar cheese (1/4 cup)
1 ounce Mozzarella cheese (1/4 cup)

Heat an egg pan over moderate heat
While the pan is heating, beat the eggs in a small mixing bowl with a wire whip until blended but not frothy
When the pan is hot enough to sizzle a drop of water, add the butter and oil
When the butter stops foaming, add onions and sausage and sauté briefly to heat thoroughly
Whip the eggs a couple of times and pour into the pan
Let the eggs sit until they begin to cook around the edges
Lift edges of eggs with a rubber spatula and tip pan to allow liquid to run underneath
Repeat this process until the top is thickening and very little liquid egg remains
Sprinkle the cheese over the omelet and add salt and freshly ground pepper if desired
Fold in half and slide onto a plate or if serving 2, divide the omelet in the pan before sliding onto 2 plates, then serve